Hello~~I'm bac!!Finally bac from my 7 days trip to Taiwan!Tats why u all haven see me blog for some time.Well,I was actually bac on last fri,4th Dec.Dunno why nvr go online...But still think tat I mus blog a while.Ok,lets get bac.
I had a really great time in Taiwan.I luv the weather there the best!It was really cooling!U nvr get a to sweat there!And the places we've been to was great too!We went to places like XiMenDing Night Market(西门町),Taipei 101,Window of China Theme Park(多拉A梦小人国),a Farm to pick tomatoes,Went on the High Speed Bullet Train,花莲 and more but I can't really remember all...
We all woke up at abt 6am/7am/8am.Mostly all the same lah...But the last day the tour guide say we can sleep till we wake-up by ourselves.But the bus leave at 11.30am,so cannot really sleep tat late.Ha!(>.^)
On the first dae when we go the XiMenDing,there are ppl acted like zombies cus they were promoting a movie.They all look like real zombies!There's blood on their face and all those stuffs.There was 2 male and 3 female.1 of the female is a child.She's so cute!Poseing as ppl took pics of her.U know wat?Almost all the breakfast are the same lor!-.- On the last day,we go to this restaurant call the 伍角船板.It is shape like an Octopus or something.Real nice!
Ok,then we took a 4.05pm flight hme,bac to singapore.Its was a 4hr 20mins flight.And the night view of the Singapore was nice too!From the top.Reach Singapore at 8 something to 9pm and reach hme at abt 10 something.Well,had a good sleep tat night...
:D Laughter makes the world go round9:42 PM.